Home Office Tips

Read these 5 Home Office Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Home Employment tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How do I work effectively at Home?

Keep Your Business In Full View

To some, visual reminders are as vital to business as a Teleprompter is to a news anchor. Visuals tell you what to do (or say), and when to do it. If a visual person resorts to other types of reminders, for example a daily planner or desk calendar, he or she may run the risk of dropping the ball on major projects. If you live your life by the proverbial "handwriting on the wall," you need to see the big picture and feel uncomfortable if your visual reminder is not accessible by a mere glance upward. To you, putting everything away could mean the difference between closing the sale or forgetting to follow up. There is often an internal struggle in those who like to put everything away to give their office a "neat" appearance, yet fear "out of sight, out of mind." There's a way to compromise the two by keeping information neatly organized on your walls using one of these options.

How do I control the level of outside noises?

Controlled Noise

Too much noise can result in fatigue, distractions and errors in work. No noise at all can lead to feelings of isolation and actually disrupt concentration.

If your office is located in an area of your home that allows for a lot of outside activities to be heard, there are a few things you can do to help control the noise.

1. Place lined, floor-length draperies over windows, as well as new weather stripping around windows and doors to keep outside sounds outside.
2. A thick pile carpet and underpadding absorbs noise.
3. Install an acoustical tile ceiling.
4. Incorporate sound to mask unwanted noise. Try playing a stereo on low, buy a gurgling fish tank or a tabletop water fountain. Having some gentle noises around keeps you alert while working alone at home.

What is the appropriate temp to set my office thermostat?

Productive Temperatures

Although temperature is a personal preference, most of us are productive in temperatures between 68 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, with humidity between 40 and 50 percent.

If you have been tolerating a cold draft, a damp basement office or find yourself steaming during the summer, take the necessary steps to correct the situation, whether it means buying a small space heater or a window air conditioner. Sometimes we put up with a temperature distraction by pulling on a sweater rather than addressing the problem. But once you have remedied the issue, you may find that you reduced stress just by taking some positive action.

Is is necessary to have ´clean´ air in my Home Office?

Clean Air

Remember how good it feels to have fresh air in your lungs? Clean air in your office can have the same positive effects.

If your office houses electronic equipment beyond your computer, you may want to consider purchasing a portable air cleaner or having one installed on your heating and cooling system, for the sake of your equipment and your lungs.

Plants can also play an important role in keeping your air clean. They help freshen stale air and remove toxins. It is recommended that you have one plant for every 100 square feet of space.

How do I work effectively at Home?

Dedicate Separate Business Space

If possible, dedicate a room or part of the basement to the business. This helps everyone feel that the home is still a home. It also provides a basis for a home office income tax deduction.

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Candi Wingate